to secure the connection I added a https connector to the web-subsystem
and the socket-binding for it.
To get the redirect from http to https working I had to add
redirect-port="9143" to the http connector.
See also
The standard ports (8080, 8443) are occupied by an instance with an
older JBoss-version on our server.
The same will be the case for customer sites later.
So I use"-Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=700" to force a port offset
from 8080 to 8780 etc.
Works perfect for all socket-bindings.
But as far as I could find out, the redirect-port for the http-connector
has to be a fixed value and is not influenced by the given offset.
That's a great pitty, because this would require to use copies of
standalone-full.xml then to only provide this port number.
It would be great if it were possible to use an expression like
Or if the "redirect-port" would be obsolete and automatically retrieved
by the system from the https connector and the socket-binding.
Any supporters for such an enhancement?
Or did I miss something and this is possible already today (AS7 7.2.0)?