On Monday, August 15, 2011 07:27:24 AM Bill Hong (Gong) wrote:
The functionalities to start/stop/reset a connection pool are not
in AS 7 "Admin Console" any more.
The admin console isn't done yet - use the command line client to see the
functionality that is available today:
Besides, it seems the MBean service
"jboss.jca.ManagedConnectionPool" is removed.
There are no MBean's for the managed connection pools in AS 7.
Therefore, the previous
approach in AS6 won't work now. I can't find any relevant documents to
explain how to get the instance of "ManagedConnectionPool" in As7 and
perform those actions in a java program. Can anyone give me some
suggestions or clues to work it out please?
You need to use the management API to perform those operations.
Questions belong in the user forum:
Best regards,