On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
> On 4/13/11 7:39 PM, denstar wrote:
>>> Awesome! I'll figure out the exact lib(s) that be gumming up the works.
>> Ok, well, this was the real culprit:
>> (xmlparserv2)
> Interesting any JAXP impl should be discovered
Turns out I kinda jumped the gun regardless. At one point AS7 would
never get past deploying the war, but when I deleted the slew of jars
the first time, it did start, so when I got rid of that one, and it
started, I was like "score!".
Only it really wasn't working. When I tried to actually do stuff I
got the xml doc error.
When I deleted these:
rm WEB-INF/lib/apache-xml-xalan.jar
rm WEB-INF/lib/jtds.jar
rm WEB-INF/lib/lowagie.itext.jar
rm WEB-INF/lib/serializer.jar
It got rid of the Class-Path reference warnings, but I still got the
xml classloading exception.
When I deleted the rest of the jars (the old list from when I first
tried AS5, and the original slew I deleted to get things going in AS7)
rm WEB-INF/ss_css2.jar
rm WEB-INF/lib/w3c-dom.jar
rm WEB-INF/lib/xmlparserv2.jar
rm WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar
Everything actually ran.
So I guess to get the same behavior I had in the previous version of
AS, I'd add those libs to the MANIFEST.MF file? Something along those
lines, neh? Seems logical, based on the info.
Guess this really bolsters my argument for automatic filtering [1] eh? :-D