in subsystem=connector : read-resource-description I see
"archive-validation-fail-on-warn" => {
"description" => "Should an archive validation warning
report fail the deployment. Default: false",
"type" => BOOLEAN,
"required" => false,
"access-type" => "read-only",
"storage" => "configuration"
:read-resource does not return that attribute. This is no big deal, as it has a default.
BUT: for tools it is not easy to guess that default
Could the resource-description please contain the default in a parseable way
"archive-validation-fail-on-warn" => {
"description" => "Should an archive validation warning
report fail the deployment. Default: false",
"type" => BOOLEAN,
"default-value" => true,
Btw.: this relates back to the question of an effective running configuration.