I am using Windows 7 64 bit and it is not working.
On 31/10/2011 11:53 PM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
No, it is expected to work. It does work on linux and remember
it on vista. CLI uses jline to manage the terminal. This is what its
clearScreen impl looks like
* Clear the screen by issuing the ANSI "clear screen" code.
public boolean clearScreen() throws IOException {
if (!terminal.isANSISupported()) {
return false;
// send the ANSI code to clear the screen
printString(((char) 27) + "[2J");
// then send the ANSI code to go to position 1,1
printString(((char) 27) + "[1;1H");
return true;
Maybe the terminal doesn't support ANSI?
On 10/30/2011 07:35 AM, Vimal Kansal wrote:
> I am using jboss-admin on windows 7 64 bit and both cls/clear are not
> working : they just don't do anything. I wonder if the command is just a
> place holder for now?
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