I'm starting to look into the current domain controller for a prototype
integration of byteman I want to investigate for use in cloud based as7
usage. The idea is to have an byteman rules extension to the domain with
aggregated reporting of the pieces back to a "centralized" location for
processing. A similar usecase exists for log msgs of certain severity or
context (security for example).
I'm guessing we don't want this to be on the domain controller
operations msg bus to avoid its stability and performance being
impacted. I can certainly build this at another layer using service(s)
in domain servers, but would it be beneficial to look into a domain msg
bus(es) notion at this point?
The RHEV layer is heading towards a msg bus as its main mechanism for
configuring/controlling instances it seems. I would expect that at some
point the open jdk vm will better integrate with the kvm and expose this