It might have something to do with this in
final ProtocolServer.Configuration configuration = new
if (bindAddress != null) {
InetSocketAddress(bindAddress, bindPort));
} else {
configuration.setBindAddress(new InetSocketAddress(bindPort));
// todo better config
InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 0));
final ThreadFactory threadFactory = new JBossThreadFactory(new
ThreadGroup("ProcessController-threads"), Boolean.FALSE, null, "%G -
%t", null, null, AccessController.getContext());
final ProcessController processController = new
ProcessController(configuration, System.out, System.err);
The handling of configuration.setBindAddress() is clearly off, and the
end result in the ProcessController (which is what the HostController is
failing to connect to in your stack) is listening on
That might not be the issue, but it has an odd smell; the todo clearly
needs to be cleaned up.
On 4/27/11 12:07 AM, denstar wrote:
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:14 PM, asmirnov wrote:
> Do you have ip v6 enabled ? I got the strange result: server binds to ip6 addresses
only, doesn't matter wether I set interface as IP address, name or interface name.
> When I disabled ipv6 kernel module, everything works ok.
I'm on OS X, and the odd thing is, it works if I reboot. I'm not sure
what happens to make it *not* work, but it's happened a couple times
locally, and once remotely.
I can disable IPv6 for the wireless interface, but last I checked that's it.
I tried starting with for giggles, but
that didn't change anything.
Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat