Preventing merge commits
by Jason T. Greene
If you want to prevent merge commits from ever entering a particular
branch of yours, say master, just do this:
git config branch.master.mergeoptions --ff-only
Jason T. Greene
JBoss AS Lead / EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
12 years, 8 months
Limiting Server Thread Usage
by Jason T. Greene
Moving to a new thread.
The big problem we run into with this is that almost every application
of a thread pool that we have needs to be highly tailored to its usage
to get the most optimal performance. So we end up with quite a few
different pools and it becomes difficult to impose a server wide limit.
There however some potential strategies we could take. Although I am
unsure as to how the overall effectiveness would be:
1. Sharing idle threads between pools
2. Force everything to go …
[View More]through a special blocking thread factory via
instrumentation of java.lang.Thread. Any attempt to allocate over the
max would lead to thread reclamation attempts and finally blocking until
a timeout is reached.
3. Some kind of auto-tuning weighting model. If the max total threads is
N, force all thread pools to use a percentage of N, potentially based on
establishing current config value divided by combined total.
One thing I wonder though is if cloud providers are "barking up the
wrong tree"? It seems a better limitation of an application is raw CPU
clock time and max memory usage. How they split that time into threads
doesn't really affect the scalability of the physical server, it's all
virtual process performance (who cares if someone wastes time context
On 9/14/11 10:39 AM, Scott Stark wrote:
> The other big cross cutting concern is controlling the total number of
> threads in use by the application server. When running under a
> constrained environment that uses something like pam_limits module to
> control how many process(==java threads) a user can have, it is
> difficult to know what the server max thread usage is right now.
Jason T. Greene
JBoss AS Lead / EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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12 years, 9 months
Configuration conundrum with Express
by Pete Muir
Warning, I may be repeating an existing query, so tell me politely where to go if that is the case ;-)
I've been adding Express support to Forge, in the run up to doing demos at JavaOne. I've hit the point where I want to add an entry (an Infinispan cache) to the standalone.xml (or domain.xml), and I want to do it without having to write a parser. If the node is available via the mgmt interface this is easy - I can use the REST interface etc. However, my node isn't, and the recommended way to …
[View More]configure it is to edit .openshift/configuration/standalone.xml.
Any thoughts on how I can make use of the management capabilities of AS to define this (in a machine controllable way without me reinventing the wheel) for OpenShift Express?
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13 years, 5 months
Serializing Data in the Modular World
by Jason T. Greene
Hi Everyone,
I wrote up an article today that talks about the issues (and solutions)
of serializing in a modular (or any multi-classloader) environment:
If you are developing any kind of component that sends data on AS7, then
please give this a read.
As an example of the application of this information, ejb3 remote
communication is being developed to follow solution 3.
Jason T. Greene
JBoss AS Lead / EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, …
[View More]a division of Red Hat
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13 years, 5 months
API Feedback Releases: ShrinkWrap Descriptors 1.2.0-alpha Series
by Andrew Lee Rubinger
Hi all:
Last week we made available ShrinkWrap Descriptors 1.2.0-alpha-1.
The scope of this project is very simple: Provide a object model DSL for
metadata. For instance:
final WebAppDescriptor desc = Descriptors.create(WebAppDescriptor.class)
final String exported = desc.exportAsString();
As …
[View More]contrasted with jboss-metadata, this intentionally does not take into
account concerns like business logic (ie. validation, setting default
values) or merging. Also the implementation uses our own manual
hierarchal state, so it's much faster than something like JAXB.
I'd like to invite everyone to check it out. Everything in the api-spec
and api-jboss modules is subject to change, and we'll want to ensure the
API is something we're comfortable we're supporting before this reaches
a Beta-level release.
A large portion of this development has come from the community, which
is something we're very proud to say.
Andrew Lee Rubinger
Senior Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
Twitter: @ALRubinger
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13 years, 5 months
AS7 -b
by Jim Tyrrell
Form the core, If I can add something to this discussion or ask a question?
I agree with adding -b to 7.0.2, good catch and fix, and IMHO there are a whole host of options that "used" to be there, that need to just work for making peoples lives easier.
From my clustering labs I have used a command line like this:
./ -c node1 -g A -u -m 1110 -b -Djboss.Domain=A -Djboss.jvmRoute="node2" -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID:0=2
Something like this: -Djboss.messaging.…
[View More]ServerPeerID:0=2 is a "macro" that replaces values in the config file, does a feature that like work today?
Potentially I would hope all of those options could be considered for migration, I am not smart enough to know all of the possibilities, but guessing we had a whole lot more.
How do we identify them?
How do we figure out if they should be in the future release/
I would also hope things like this get into a migration guide, although it sounds like they are getting closer.
Jim Tyrrell
Principal JBoss Solutions Architect
Did you see RHT on Cramer?
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13 years, 5 months
WebConnectorService setSendfileSize
by Scott Stark
I was looking at some of the properties in the and how they relate
to the jboss-as-web.xsd, and came across this block of code that seems
incorrect as it does not make sense to relate the setSendfileSize to the
try {
Method m =
[View More] } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// Not all connectors will have this
Is there supposed to be another property exposed for this?
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13 years, 5 months - #!/bin/sh
by Ondřej Žižka
In, we have
which is is not guaranteed to be bash. I only know bash and am hitting
sh incompatibilities when coding testsuite script.
Can I change it to /bin/bash? Or are we restricted by some crazy
platforms without bash?
13 years, 6 months
Re: [jboss-as7-dev] VM Metrics
by Heiko Braun
Thanks for the feedback Karsten.
I can put the timestamp of the sample on the X-Axis.
Regards, Heiko
On Sep 30, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Karsten Torp wrote:
> Hello.
> Very nice and use full graph.
> I would love if the X axis had a label and a few values, so it would be possible to correlate the graphs with other data/graphs. This could be use full during a load test, where you try to make head an tail of a hole bunch of graphs and log files. Or is there an other/better tool …
[View More]that done this better that I'm just missing?
> On 29 September 2011 13:45, Heiko Braun <hbraun(a)> wrote:
> _______________________________________________
> jboss-as7-dev mailing list
> jboss-as7-dev(a)
> --
> Karsten Bünger Torp, Pernexus Systems ApS, +45 28 43 41 45
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13 years, 6 months