CLI Recipes
by Stephen Coy
Hi there,
I've added some CLI recipes to <> that show how to:
add a JDBC driver
add datasources (including XA)
bind data into JNDI
define a authentication realm
as well as combine the above into a script that can be executed from a command line.
Can someone run their eyeballs past it please and review it.
Steve Coy
12 years, 2 months
Recursive "add" operations
by Heiko Braun
I am working on a use cases that enables people to "copy" resources. I.e. creating a clone of a server configuration under a new name. I've realised that recursive add operations, covering a larger resource tree don't seem to work (see example below). Is there any "switch" that I am not aware of, or this simply not work due to the design of the operation handlers?
[INFO] {
[INFO] "operation" => "add",
[INFO] "address" => [
[INFO] ("host" => "master"),
[INFO] ("server-config" => "prod_copy")
[INFO] ],
[INFO] "auto-start" => true,
[INFO] "cpu-affinity" => undefined,
[INFO] "group" => "production-1",
[INFO] "interface" => undefined,
[INFO] "path" => undefined,
[INFO] "priority" => undefined,
[INFO] "socket-binding-group" => "full-sockets",
[INFO] "socket-binding-port-offset" => 150,
[INFO] "jvm" => {"default" => {
[INFO] "agent-lib" => undefined,
[INFO] "agent-path" => undefined,
[INFO] "debug-enabled" => false,
[INFO] "debug-options" => undefined,
[INFO] "env-classpath-ignored" => undefined,
[INFO] "environment-variables" => undefined,
[INFO] "heap-size" => "256m",
[INFO] "java-agent" => undefined,
[INFO] "java-home" => undefined,
[INFO] "jvm-options" => undefined,
[INFO] "max-heap-size" => "256m",
[INFO] "max-permgen-size" => undefined,
[INFO] "permgen-size" => undefined,
[INFO] "stack-size" => undefined,
[INFO] "type" => undefined
[INFO] }},
[INFO] "system-property" => {"test" => {
[INFO] "boot-time" => false,
[INFO] "value" => "value"
[INFO] }}
[INFO] }
12 years, 2 months
JBAS015810: failed to resolve interface xxx
by ofer lilian
vm args standalone.conf
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.server.default.config=standalone.xml"
# Next lines added by Red Bend
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.bind.address=SWM-NightlyB"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=0"
12 years, 2 months
synthetic "key" attribute
by Heiko Braun
Some resource reflect their "key”, using a "name" attribute. For instance:
But this approach is not consistently used across the model. To further automate the integration of tools like the web console, it would be helpful to provide consistent access to the resource key. I can see two possible approaches:
a) predefined attribute name like "key":
- does introduce a list system attribute names that cannot be used by resources
- the benefit: it would simply show up as regular attributes
b) an alternate place for meta data like "key":
- easily extensible
- no naming conflicts
- but requires dedicated access to system attributes
Any thoughts on this?
Regards, Ike
12 years, 2 months
next -> ignore
by Kabir Khan
We have two branches which are used by the mergers when processing pull requests to run the full testsuite on lightning. They used to be called master-next and 7.1-next, which confuses new developers. All pull requests must be done against 7.1 and/or master only. The 'pull request branches' have now been updated so they are called master-ignore and 7.1-ignore which will hopefully avoid confusion.
12 years, 2 months