No longer possible to run individual tests
by Stuart Douglas
It looks like since the upgrade to jboss-parent 10 it is no longer
possible to run individual tests with -Dtest=MyTest.
This seems to have been caused by updating surefire to 2.12.3, as using
works around the issue.
For now I think the best thing to do would be to override the surefire
version back to 2.11. Any objections?
12 years
Pull-Request build aborted after 2 hour timeout
by Joe Wertz
Hello All,
Wondered if anyone knows what's causing this issue.
There have been 11 pull-request builds that have aborted after 2-hour
timeouts since Monday. My pull,, failed twice on
the same test, but the others have timed-out elsewhere, both before and
after this test. They're all the grey ball builds in the sidebar.
Not sure what's causing it. Can't replicate locally. Can't figure out a
connection between the other failed builds.
Advice is most appreciated!
Joe Wertz
12 years
Tagging Remoting JMX for AS 7.2
by Darran Lofthouse
Hi all,
I am just holding off tagging Remoting JMX for the master branch whilst
a couple of the logging components are being released so that I can
bring the dependencies in-line as I tag.
If this is needed urgently let me know and I will drop it to the last
versions of the logging components that we used.
Darran Lofthouse.
12 years
Master Lockdown (needed for EAP 6.1 Alpha)
by Jason Greene
Hello everyone,
We are going to be starting the basis for EAP 6.1 using the master branch, which will freeze on Jan 8. Please notify me immediately if you have unfinished or unstable features currently in master. We need to stabilize, disable, remove, or mark tech preview anything that is incomplete and not on the high-priority feature list below [1]. Also starting today, any pull request introducing a new feature that is not on the priority list will not be merged.
As an example, patching and ha singleton will not be merged, they will be consumed for 6.2.
If you have any questions just let me know.
[1] High Priority 6.1 Alpha List:
PRODMGT-196 - Dynamic remoting configuration using InitialContext (in progress)
PRODMGT-247 - Trusted EJB Security context propagation (in progress)
PRODMGT-254 - Interceptor support for custom protocol data in ejb invocations (in progress)
PRODMGT-46 - Centralize Datasource Password Encryption (Done)
PRODMGT-195 - Expand usage of property substitution in management model (Done)
JBPAPP-1456 - PCKS11 keystore support (done)
JBPAPP-923 - Key alias is not managable (Done)
PRODMGT-200 - Application specific logging configuration (done)
AS7-5768 - Module based RARs
12 years
console: only 8 rows for a table?
by Marian Stránecký
Hi all,
is there any documented design rule forcing tables in console to contain
only 8 rows for a page?
Or better, why is this value hardcoded everytime the DefaultCellTable is
used - like "... new DefaultCellTable<.....>(8);"?
Thank you in advance,
12 years