On 6/1/11 6:46 PM, Jonathan Halliday wrote:
On 05/31/2011 01:28 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> Couple questions to see if we can future-proof the management
> configuration of the AS's transactions subsystem:
> 1) How will these multiple transactions managers be uniquely identified?
> A simple string name?
Possibly, but no promises at this stage.
> 2) How will the various configuration components you have now map to
> these multiple transaction managers? You've got a CoreEnvironmentBean,
> CoordinatorEnvironmentBean, ObjectStoreEnvironmentBean,
> RecoveryEnvironmentBean.
Actually there are 12 more such types in the codebase, but what you
don't know won't hurt you. for now. probably. Of the 180+ config options
in JBossTS, only a handful are actually exposed to AS users. The AS
internally overrides a handful more from the defaults that JBossTS
ships. The rest use default values.
Will each transaction manager have a set of
> those, or will some be common across transaction managers?
There are already multiple instances of some bean types used internally,
particularly for store config.
As for future versions, what makes you think any of those will still
exist? :-)
You can't take anything as fixed, we're making a new major version here
and will cheerfully slaughter any sacred cows that get in our way.
Perhaps in the future all the internal components of the transaction
system will be native MSC modules and services.
My gut feeling is the system will be flexible enough to allow multiple
high level component instances to be layered onto either shared or
individual lower level component instances, but I may change my mind
tomorrow. Or even right after coffee.
In short, future-proofing attempts would be a waste of time.
Thanks; that's essentially what I wanted to find out, but didn't want to
play 20 questions if it wasn't a waste of time.
On the other hand, making the new HornetQ journal based objectstore
implementation a user configurable option would have a huge performance
benefit for some scenarios. Likewise making the JTA/JTS choice
selectable - just having an ORB present does not necessarily mean a user
needs distributed tx and the associated performance penalty for all tx.
Tell me how you wanted these configured and we'll see if we can get them in.
Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat