Yep, setting the scan-interval attribute to 0 results in a one-time scan
at boot.
Setting scan-enabled attribute to false disables a scanner altogether
but makes it easy to turn back on using the management API.
Removing the subsystem altogether is good if you're sure you'll never
want to scan.
On 4/25/12 7:55 AM, Wolf-Dieter Fink wrote:
Depends on what you do,
if set the scan period==0 the scanner will only pick-up all during startup.
If you remove the complete subsystem the only possibility to deploy is
the web or CLI interface.
- Wolf
On 04/25/2012 01:32 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> Another factor is that we recommend that the scanner be turned off in the
performance tuning guide (unnecessary cycles spent polling things that don't change)
> This just disable deployment at runtime, correct ?
> At startup the directory is still scanned making file copying approach still viable
for those that prefer that option.
> /max
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