On 2/14/11 6:43 AM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
On 02/14/2011 12:29 PM, Emanuel Muckenhuber wrote:
> On 02/14/2011 01:13 PM, Heiko Braun wrote:
>> I am wondering if it will be possible to create profiles from the web ui? Does it
make sense?
> Yes, in the domain creating new profiles and assigning them to
> server-groups should be possible. In standalone there is only a single
> profile, so only subsystems are mutable.
>> A similiar question arises for host configurations. How does the discovery work?
> At the moment there is only a static element in host.xml defining how a
> host connects to the DC. So you can't create a new host from the UI,
> however they would appear once they are connected to the DC. The
> elements in the host.xml can be managed for each host though.
This is how I saw it on Brian's YouTube video so I assume host
manipulation is something that will be retained (once a host is started)
as it is a major feature already talked about publicly.
The ability that I demoed (sic???) to add a new server to an existing
host will certainly be retained (as will other forms of host
manipulation). A new server can be created because there is an existing
HostController and ProcessController that can spawn it.
>> Can someone outline which parts of the model cannot be
changed? I.e would require a controller restart?
> Hmm, the only operations we talked about requiring a restart are most
> likely when you change the management port configuration. Other
> operations shouldn't require a restart, especially not on the DC.
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