The console definitely needs to support standalone as well as domain,
and I agree that historic data collection is outside the scope of an
unmanaged instance.
I'm curious about the question of hosting the mgmt console as I assumed
it would live in the domain controller. I don't have my notes from
Antwerp available to double check, but isn't the domain controller just
another AS instance? If so why wouldn't it always live in that process?
And now that I've asked that question I'm curious - Are there
expectations with regard to continuity for deployed applications when
transitioning a server from a single instance to a domain?
On 12/22/10 11:25 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
On 12/22/10 8:19 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Hi,
> we were talking about admin console before, but I am not sure if we reached any
conclusion about
> - console for standalone (=non-domain) server mode
IMO we need the console to properly support standalone mode.
> - will we have a "dedicated" server within a domain to host the console or
> theoretically every server host the console?
Theoretically any server could host the console. The console is a client
to the admin interface exposed by the DomainController, the
HostController(s) and any ServerController(s).
I expect a typical scenario is users will want a separate server to host
the console; i.e. separate from the regular servers that handle user
requests. Since servers all belong to a server group, that implies a
separate server group running a profile sufficient to support the
console webapp. The configuration utilities we provide to help users set
up their configs need to make it easy to create such a configuration.
> - do users expect to see metrics for the last hour from the moment they first
> access the console or already for some time before?
There is no committed requirement to support maintaining a 1 hour
history of metrics. IMO if we want to support this, it should be a JON
feature, with JON responsible for storing the history. (I realize that
begs the question "What about if JON wasn't running..." to which the
response is "there is no committed requirement...")
> Heiko