One example location is in the inner class, which has no
logger. I need to know what the absolute path to the standalone.xml file
is that the server is trying to load. So, is there a pattern to where we
are allowing loggers vs Stdout?
It looks like the logger categories are more along the lines of
subsystem names rather than simply using the class name which is
embedding the logger. Any usage guidelines to follow for that?
public synchronized ExtensibleConfigurationPersister
getConfigurationPersister() {
if (configurationPersister == null) {
if (serverEnvironment == null) {
configurationPersister = new
NullConfigurationPersister(new StandaloneXml(moduleLoader));
else {
QName rootElement = new
QName(Namespace.CURRENT.getUriString(), "server");
StandaloneXml parser = new
File xmlFile = new
File(serverEnvironment.getServerConfigurationDir(), "standalone.xml");
* System.out.printf("Using standalone configuration:
%s", xmlFile.getAbsolutePath());
* configurationPersister = new
BackupXmlConfigurationPersister(xmlFile, rootElement, parser, parser);
return configurationPersister;
On 3/23/11 2:03 PM, Scott Stark wrote:
With the problems with the debugger crashing the server vm, I'm
I need to add a lot of trace level statements to both the AS and
components to try to figure out why things don't work. What is the best
way to get these additions back into the AS codebase at least?
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