Hi all,
Vladimir was testing the ER4.1 quickstarts and reported that when he
runs 'mvn clean install' in the root directory, it fails on the jax-rs
client quickstart due to its dependency on the deployment of the
helloworld-rs quickstart.
This is the last discussion I can find on this issue. Did this ever get
resolved? Vladimir feels that this should work.
On 08/01/2012 09:37 AM, Pete Muir wrote:
On 1 Aug 2012, at 00:39, Ondrej Zizka wrote:
> Running it conditionally in a profile triggered by e.g. -DrunTest or such is not an
It's already in a profile, specifying -P-complex-dependencies will exclude it. See
the contributor guide for more
> Or maybe, based on -Das.dir=..., the module would launch that AS using Arquillian,
deploy, test, undeploy, stop.
> I haven't checked the test itself but I guess it's possible.
The issue is that another quickstart in another directory needs to be deployed first.
Actually, what would work is using the exec plugin to call out and deploy/undeploy the
other quickstart around this ones test phase. This would be quite brittle but would work.
> The few people who test the QS will know about the option;
> and the rest of the world will not need to take care of running AS and deploying.
Right, this is why I went with the profile option.
> Ondra
> On Mon, 2012-07-30 at 12:04 +0100, Pete Muir wrote:
>> I haven't come up with a better way to do it than this. If you have a good
idea, then we should do it :-)
>> On 29 Jul 2012, at 15:48, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>> Hi Ondrej,
>>> The jax-rs-client quickstart is an Arquillian test only and expands on the
helloworld-rs quickstart.
>>> The Prerequisites section of the README state that this quickstart depends on
the deployment of the helloworld-rs quickstart for its tests and explains how to verify
that it deployed successfully.
>>> The Run the Arquillian Tests section of the README states:
>>> • Make sure you have started the JBoss Server as described above.
>>> • Make sure the helloworld-rs quickstart has been deployed on the server as
noted in the Prerequisites section above.
>>> • Open a command line and navigate to the root directory of this
>>> • Type the following command to run the test goal with the following profile
>>> mvn clean test
>>> Do I need to modify the instructions somehow to make that more clear? Should
I add a note that if you get an HTTP status: 404, it probably means you did not deploy the
helloworld-rs quickstart as noted in the Prerequisites?
>>> I'm not a Maven expert, so I'm not sure how we could make this
foolproof for the users. I am copying Pete and Blaine since they know a lot more about
this than me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sande
>>> On 07/28/2012 12:00 PM, Ondrej Zizka wrote:
>>>> Hi Sande,
>>>> is this intentional?
>>>> IMO quickstarts should be foolproof, and one of ways to make it so should
be that `mvn clean install` should pass without requirements like "AS is running on
port 8080".
>>>> WDYT?
>>>> Running org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.JaxRsClientTest
>>>> ===============================================
>>>> URL:
>>>> MediaType: application/xml
>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed request with HTTP status: 404