>> Yes it should be using the SML, it looks like its set up
correctly in CacheContainerAdd.java:265. So not sure how it's getting the wrong
> I'm cloning configurations from pre-defined configs (in infinispan.xml), for each
> Perhaps there is where it gets lost? <------- Paul
> (I've seen other configs get lost before :-))
> Although, I don't know why plain ModuleLoader would then be used ...
> -Ales
If you're loading cache configurations from infinispan.xml - they will
not be wired using the SML. Only cache configurations defined in the
infinispan subsystem - or via the management API - will use this add
operation. When you clone your cache configurations, you'll want to
wire them to use the ModularClassResolver via
ConfigurationBuilder.classResolver(...) method.
Nah, missleading "infinispan.xml" usage. :-)
I'm using the Infinispan subsystem (I meant AS7' infinispan.xml build file).
Shouldn't then SML be used automatically -- after the config clone?