Yes that will be OK in the medium term.
In the longer term (possibly in release 5.x which is at least a year
away) we will need to support multiple transaction managers in the same
VM and will need to deprecate most of our static methods.
We also have an MBean for exposing the transaction logs - it would be
highly desirable to expose these via the management console
( However, the
implementation requires the presence of an MBeanServer.
I just poked, and I see there is a TxStats.getInstance() method. Is
a valid API for accessing this?
On 5/12/11 10:25 AM, Michael Musgrove wrote:
> Can you give me an example of what other projects are providing you with
> or indicate what you prefer. Then I can look into adding it.
> BTW AS7 will be consuming JBOSSTS_4_14_0_Final so what is the process
> for making changes.
>> Can these TxStats be accessed via something other than JMX? If at all
>> possible I want the AS management layer (in the AS transactions module)
>> to not rely on JMX to pull data from subsystems.
>> On 5/11/11 9:42 AM, Michael Musgrove wrote:
>>> Can you clarify what it is that you need to know. I don't understand
where these attributes are coming from nor what their values mean.
>>> We do have various beans that we have, in the past, exposed via JMX or via
RHQ. For example, consider the first attribute "core-environment" =>
.... I guess this is referring to our CoreEnvironment bean which does have a property
called socketProcessIdPort which we use to facilitate creation of unique ids and it also
has a property called nodeIdentifier which we use to ensure that different recovery
managers don't end up recovering each others transactions. But there are also other
properties in that bean which your snippet does not mention.
>>> The enable-statistics property simply enables metrics gathering for
transaction counts (heuristics, commits etc). Once enabled the statistics can be retrieved
from our TxStats MBean.
>>> Mike
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Heiko Braun"<hbraun(a)>
>>>>> To:"
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 9:07:24 AM
>>>>> Subject: [jboss-as7-dev] TX subsystem management use cases
>>>>> Can anyone shed some light on the management op's for the
>>>>> subsystem?
>>>>> The attribute names indicate more sophisticated features, like
>>>>> statistics.
>>>>> I would need to know how to work with this data in order expose
>>>>> reasonable functionality through the web UI.
>>>>> [domain@localhost:9999 /]
>>>>> {
>>>>> "outcome" => "success",
>>>>> "result" => {
>>>>> "core-environment" => {
>>>>> "socket-binding" =>
>>>>> "node-identifier" => undefined
>>>>> },
>>>>> "recovery-environment" => {
>>>>> "socket-binding" =>
>>>>> "status-socket-binding" =>
>>>>> },
>>>>> "coordinator-environment" => {
>>>>> "enable-statistics" =>
>>>>> "default-timeout" => undefined
>>>>> },
>>>>> "object-store" => {
>>>>> "relative-to" => undefined,
>>>>> "path" => undefined
>>>>> }
>>>>> },
>>>>> "compensating-operation" => undefined
>>>>> }
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