I'll update that wiki today.
In the meantime (and probably better anyway) best is to look at some of
the demos in the AS source tree's demos/ module. E.g.
That one creates a connection to the management API
(ModelControllerClient), does a deployment (using a helper class in the
demos module called DeploymentUtils) and adds a JMS queue to the
configuration. (Then it exercises the queue, which has nothing to do
with management.)
On 3/22/11 12:04 PM, André Dietisheim wrote:
Hi guys
I'm on the tooling side of the story and I tried to figure out how to
access the as7 managent model. I unfortunately could not find enough so far.
I found extensive documentation here:
but the part that's should explain how to access the model is still
marked as TODO.
I found some informations on RHQ
http://www.rhq-project.org/display/RHQ/Talking+to+the+JSON+api) and
some code in the as7-console
Is there any further documentation that would help me?
jboss-as7-dev mailing list
Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat