With easy extension I mean to be possible for people to add other not
so basic JMX features, to build on top of it, if they really need it.
Now with respect to this stuff becoming an excuse to not use the
management API... I think even 3rd party systems will use it, all
depends on what people get from it, but note they will be developing
on top of something proprietary, that is a "no way" for some 3rd
parties. But for a start, having basic JMX features in the management
tools is a must, very important for easier migrations, not only from
older JBoss AS versions, but also from competing products.
Expose the bait... get people in the shop, then sell what really
matters, otherwise you risk not sell anything at all.
-- Eduardo
On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Brian Stansberry
<brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
What kind of extensibility are you thinking about?
I have no objection at all to the kind of simple JMX gateway resource
David describes. If someone in the community wants to contribute that,
that would be great.
I would object to it though if its presence became an excuse for
subsystems not exposing their full management API via the standard
management model. ;)
On 8/19/11 12:02 PM, Eduardo Martins wrote:
> The JMX exposure in CLI and Web Console can be basic, like I
> mentioned, but should be easy extendable, so the community may enhance
> it, if there is interest...
> -- Eduardo
> ..............................................
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 5:52 PM, David M. Lloyd<david.lloyd(a)redhat.com>
>> What Brian is saying is that we will not map arbitrary JMX objects to
>> the management mode.
>> I think it might make sense though - eventually - to have a JMX resource
>> which has operations for calling into JMX (for open mbean types only of
>> course). Note that this would NOT be a mapping, just a single
>> management resource which is a gateway to JMX, and apart from accessing
>> attributes and invoking operations, no other JMX functions would be
>> supported (in particular, notifications).
>> On 08/19/2011 11:29 AM, Eduardo Martins wrote:
>>> It was and still is my biggest complain with AS7, the support for the
>>> official java management spec is ... zero!
>>> IMHO the CLI should have an easy way to invoke a JMX operation,
>>> whatever the MBean, how hard can it be when previous AS releases had
>>> twiddle? And the JMX subsystem should have a module in the management
>>> console, providing access to the MBeans in the JVM MBean server,
>>> relying on JConsole is not good nowadays, not all OSes have it, again
>>> we already had such tool...
>>> -- Eduardo
>>> ..............................................
>>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 4:35 PM,<ssilvert(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Quoting Scott Marlow<smarlow(a)redhat.com>:
>>>>> Heiko,
>>>>> Some of the JPA persistence providers support JMX for administrative
>>>>> operations (Hibernate statistics for example). Do we have any magic
>>>>> to get JMX MBeans into the management console? Probably will need to
>>>>> dynamic based on deployment time processing.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Scott
>>>> Scott,
>>>> Heiko is out for the rest of this month, so I'm not sure if he will
>>>> able to answer.
>>>> Off hand, I don't think we currently have an easy way to directly
>>>> access JMX from the console. There would be a lot of low level
>>>> transport stuff to deal with that we've already worked through for
>>>> management API. I doubt that we would want to go and build a
>>>> transport layer for JMX as well.
>>>> I think the better question is can we (should we) expose JMX through
>>>> the management API? If so it would be accessible from both the
>>>> console and the CLI.
>>>> Does anyone have thoughts about this?
>>>> Stan
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Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
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