The goal is to provide the functionality as outlined in EJB 3.1 FR 4.3.3
getBusinessObject and getEJB* methods, plus 4.4 Global JNDI Access.
EJB Servitors provide an entry point InvocationDispatcher. Behind this
entry point the local system interceptors are invoked. In essence an EJB
Servitor is a 'singleton' ManagedBean
For the purpose of JNDI the distinction is made between JNDI objects and
true proxies. JNDI objects can be proxies, LinkRef or ObjectFactory. A
true proxy is either a direct link or a lazy link to the servitor via
its InvocationDispatcher interface.
The JNDI names where the JNDI objects are bound are generated by an ejb3
component. Who binds these objects is currently undecided.
The generation of JNDI objects is delegated out of ejb3 to another
Within an EJB the user can call upon getBusinessObject for example. In
this case a true proxy needs to be returned. Again ejb3 delegates out to
another construct.
Possibly the JNDI object and proxy factories can be co-located within
one component.
Note, there is a risk of overlap with remote invocation. Remote
invocation is explicitly beyond scope of the EJB servitor dispatcher.
Remote proxies are special InvocationDispatchers which can have client-
and server side interceptors. The client side interceptors prepare for
marshaling of the current invocation context (transaction, security
etc). The server side interceptors transform the marshaled context into
the local context equivalent.
In short we need to design a way to bind the EJB views.
Do we really need a service per JNDI binding (as per [1])?