On Thursday 26 May 2011 05:51 PM, Remy Maucherat wrote:
On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 17:37 +0530, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> Is someone working on this or do we have a JIRA? If not, should I (re)
> open a JIRA for this?
I will never allow this change to go in.
I read this entire thread again to try and understand why this is being
opposed. I see a couple of reasons, none of which I understand:
1) One of the reasons being mentioned is that enabling the option to
detect runtime .jsp changes breaks the TCK/spec. However, I don't know
what exactly this breaks? Can someone tell me what that is? If it breaks
some spec compliance then the rest of my arguments are irrelevant and
I'll stop asking for this flag to be enabled.
2) Enabling the option to detect runtime .jsp changes is bad for
performance. The suggested workaround is to redeploy the application,
which really doesn't make sense because that's worst if we are talking
about a developer's productivity. It's already been mentioned that the
community edition of JBoss AS is meant for developers and is _not_ meant
for direct production use. A application has to go through numerous
development lifecycles before it makes it to production (I didn't want
to state the obvious, but...).
Ultimately, this flag directly affects the end users (application
developers) and I think we should atleast take their opinion into
account before deciding not to allow this change. I'm sure that even if
we ship this as disabled, out of the box, a vast majority of the users
will end up enabling this flag as a first step during the development
lifecycle of their application.
Just to reiterate, I don't mind disabling this flag by default, if
there's a real valid reason for that. So far, I haven't seen any.