On 14 Feb 2011, at 18:44, ssilvert(a)redhat.com wrote:
So let me ask it this way. What's the easiest way to get an
Arquillian test running with AS7? It looks like the answer might be
to use remote. I almost got that running with
jboss-as-arquillian-container-remote. Am I required to use the forked
Surefire with remote?
The forked surefire plugin (which is not really being used yet) is not required for
remote. To do an embedded test, simply copy what the smoke tests do.
Without it, I got this message in the AS7 console:
13:06:33,072 INFO [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (pool-3-thread-4)
Content wi
th name test.war added at location
But there were two strange things. First, I got this in my test output:
Test set: org.jboss.jsfunit.example.hellojsf.HelloJSFTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 13.846
sec <<< FAILURE!
testInitialPage(org.jboss.jsfunit.example.hellojsf.HelloJSFTest) Time
elapsed: 6.089 sec <<< ERROR!
I can see that the test class was indeed added to the WEB-INF/classes.
So I shouldn't get ClassNotFoundException.
But, it looks like jboss-as-arquillian-container-remote doesn't know
I'm creating a WAR because it put all the supporting classes in the
root of my WAR instead of putting them in WEB-INF/lib or
Unless you tell Shrinkwrap you're creating a web archive it will create a normal jar.
From WarTestCase in smoke tests:
public static Archive<?> getDeployment(){
return ShrinkWrapUtils.createWebArchive("demos/war-example.war",
public static WebArchive createWebArchive(String archiveName, Package...packages) {
WebArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class,
addPackages(archive, packages);
addResources(archiveName, archive);
return archive;
IIRC ShrinkWrap will put things in the right place if you create a WebArchive. For all
other archive types root is the default location