So if AS 7 is more development focused, I agree it can/should be, can any and all
decisions made/discussed/etc on this list, make that experience the best it can be.
Worrisome threads in the last week:
Should a welcome page exist
Should it be enabled to have a .jsp to be hot deployed
How should lifecyles of datasource deployments be
On a side vein I still worry about adoption and the learning curve of all of this new
amazing stuff.
Probably a few others, but those have been on my mind this week.
Jim Tyrrell
Senior JBoss Solutions Architect
Did you see RHT on CNBC's Mad Money?
From: "Jim Tyrrell" <jtyrrell(a)>
To: "jboss-as7-dev(a) Development"
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:56:11 AM
Subject: Re: [jboss-as7-dev] Changes to .jsp in an exploded deployment no
longer picked up?
My two cents,
As we do today, I am thinking you need to have configs out of the box that can be
Maybe even JMS
or WS
I think prepackaged tested configs are a good idea as one size will not fit all. We have
done this for a long time and am wondering out loud why that notion would be removed?
There is a requirement in the PRD to have a development configuration and a production
configuration, but that is specific to EAP. Traditionally, we have made the AS
distribution more "development" focused out-of-the-box.
I'm not sure, in this specific case what is the best option, but EAP will have a
production and development configuration (perhaps a script that sets things up for either
using the management API).
Jim Tyrrell
Senior JBoss Solutions Architect
Did you see RHT on CNBC's Mad Money?
On Apr 26, 2011, at 7:39 AM, ssilvert(a) wrote:
Quoting Jaikiran Pai <jpai(a)>:
Thinking a bit more about this, I don't see any use of supporting
exploded deployments (out of the box) if we don't support dynamic
changes to .jsps (out of the box). What else can be changed dynamically
in an exploded deployment?
xhtml (Facelets) pages can behave the same as JSP's as long as you are
in development mode.
On Tuesday 26 April 2011 04:52 PM, Remy Maucherat wrote:
On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 16:40 +0530, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
The better default will now be used: development will remain as "false".
IMO, before going to production with the server, any developer/team
would go through a development phase in which he would definitely like
this feature. So having this turned on by default (atleast in standalone
mode), IMO, makes sense.
P.S: I created and was about to
send out a pull request with a patch, before I saw this reply. If
there's any objection to this change, then I'll wait for a resolution on
this discussion.
I have rejected the jira.
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