We have absolutely no license information in the quickstarts, so I'll
update the source and add an ASL license to be consistent with the
CDI/weld examples most of the quickstarts are based on. I'll also update
the download link license type.
On 9/20/11 4:05 AM, Jason Greene wrote:
I just guessed when I set that. Don't put too much stock in that.
Feel free to change to ASL
Sent from my iPad
On Sep 20, 2011, at 2:41 AM, David Bosschaert<david(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> I just noticed that they're marked as LGPL on the download page:
> So whatever we do they should be consistent I guess...
> David
> On 19/09/2011 19:29, Scott Stark wrote:
>> I noticed the quickstarts:
>> don't have any license information. I would assume these should all be
>> ASLv2 the same as CDI?
>> I would like to go through these and add the license, so if it is
>> something other than ASLv2, let me know.
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