For all the other tests shrinkwrap is executed 'on the client', so the full
classpath is available. The product is then deployed on the server and runs in the server
with modular classloading. Aslak says that Arquillian will soon support multiple
@Deployment methods so what ever you are doing will probably just be a temporaty
workaround. So I think you have two choices:
-Either construct your extra archives on the server and set up the arquillian module to
see the shrinkwrap module. But I think this might cause some problems since I think
arquillian uses a service loader to load up things from META-INF/services which will not
be visible from the arquillian service module (due to MODULES-55) unless you simply put
the shrinkwrap jars into the arquillian service module
-Have what calls shrinkwrap to create the extra deployment jars execute 'on the
client'. If I have understood you correctly you are doing this by using JMX
notifications? So the way to do that would be to register a notification listener with the
MBeanServerConnection on the client side, for example when starting up the server. You
could perhaps configure that with a system property or a META-INF/services service.
On 10 Dec 2010, at 10:17, David Bosschaert wrote:
Hi all,
I have been looking at getting Shrinkwrap to work in a module-based
environment, like OSGi and JBoss Modules. I ran into issues with this
basically because the interaction goes through the ShrinkWrap-API module
and some static methods in there while the implementation requires that
the ThreadContextClassLoader has visibility of Shrinkwrap-Impl module.
In a classloader setting where all the SW jars are visible to the same
classloader this works fine, but in a modules-based system these two
modules would be loaded by two different classloaders so the only way to
get the current approach work is to set the TCCL explicitly to the
classloader that loads the ShrinkWrap-Impl module, which is a little
awkward to do but also typically requires a dependency on a
ShrinkWrap-Impl class which is ugly (IMHO), e.g:
ClassLoader oldCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
JavaArchiveImpl.class.getClassloader()); // The impl class
Archive a = ShrinkWrap.create(...);
} finally {
I can see two solutions to this.
1. The nicest one (IMHO) would be to let the impl module register a
ShrinkWrap service (with MSC and/or OSGi) which handles all the TCCL
details. The nice thing is that the user doesn't need to get into any SW
implementation detail. Just use the service and it works - the API of
the service would be similar to the ShrinkWrap class that's there today
and defined in the API module. I guess the disadvantage would be that
you need to obtain the service instance from the service registry, so
you can't use a static API like ShrinkWrap.create().
2. An alternative could be to add additional static ShrinkWrap.create()
(etc) methods that take a classloader as an argument. You would then
still need to get hold of that classloader somehow, but at least you're
freed of the TCCL setter wrapping code...
Thoughts anyone?
BTW more context can be found in where I'm providing an
initial proposal for #1 above to work in OSGi.
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