A cheap intermediate way would be to allow any user to boot up a
As an experiment I installed AS into /tmp/jboss-as as root and tried
booting up (a non-existing) ovirt configuration as a regular user.
$ ./standalone.sh -Djboss.server.base.dir=/tmp/ovirt/standalone
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tmp/jboss-as/standalone/log/boot.log
(Permission denied)
Plus the wrong logging.properties get applied.
I think it might be a valid alternative until we get true multi-tenancy,
but it would require some patching.
On 02/01/2012 02:38 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
just to be clear my idea/suggestions was:
A) on Fedora AS 7 have a group that users can become a member of (i.e. jboss-user) which
the deployments directory inside jboss-as packaging can deploy to
B) provide a ~/.jboss-deployements folder in user home similar to ~/.public_html which
works with httpd.
just a thought.
On Feb 1, 2012, at 14:30, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> We had an interesting discussion on #fedora-java in which Max proposed a
> feature to allow any user to deploy to the running AS 7 instance.
> I think we all agree that ultimately this is a multi-tenancy issue. But
> for now we could settle on having user permissions on deployment repo
> operations.
> What are other peoples thoughts?
> Carlo
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