Who is in charge of our messaging subsystem?
On 22 Aug 2011, at 14:05, Sande Gilda wrote:
Hi Andy and Kabir,
Based on these responses, I plan to add a section for JMS Client migration. Is there any
existing community doc for this? I see a some information, for example,
https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Messaging+configuration, but I'm need help
figuring out what people might have done in EAP 5.1 and what they'll need to change to
get the application to deploy and run in EAP6.
Who can I work with or where can I go to get this information?
On 08/19/2011 02:51 PM, Burr Sutter wrote:
> EJB clients is a great one.
> JMS clients as well
> We often have customers asking how to keep their JMS clients the same but change out
some of the App Servers.
> Usage scenarios are:
> - Swing app running on 1000 end-user desktops - they wish to change the servers (some
of them) but not the clients
> - App Server to App Server JMS connections - WebSphere app pushes messages to JBoss
via JMS - customer does not wish to tamper with the WAS environment but would like to
upgrade from AS5/EAP5 to AS7/EAP6
> Our GSS guys may have a better handle on this item.
> On 8/18/2011 10:07 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>> Migrate remote EJB clients to the EAP 6 client API; migrate EAP 5 deployed
applications which make remote invocations to EAP 6.
>> I have no idea yet what either topic entails though. Hopefully we'll know
>> Migrate applications using jboss-beans.xml style deployments. Migrate
applications using jboss-service.xml style deployments.
>> Hmm, can't think of anything else that isn't already on your list...
>> On 08/18/2011 08:58 PM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>> I have only heard back from a couple of people. Based on that feedback,
>>> I have added the following topics:
>>> * Upgrade your Hibernate 3.x application to use Hibernate 4
>>> * Configure changes for applications that use Hibernate and JPA
>>> If you have any additional comments, concerns, or suggestions, please
>>> try to let me know by tomorrow, August 19.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sande
>>> On 08/12/2011 08:00 AM, Sande Gilda wrote:
>>>> Thanks Kevin.
>>>> I forgot to mention in the original email, I need feedback on content
>>>> by next Friday, August 19.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sande
>>>> On 08/11/2011 04:35 PM, Kevin Barfield wrote:
>>>>> Adding se-jboss to get more input.
>>>>> Kevin Barfield
>>>>> Sr. Manager - Middleware and Cloud Solutions Architects
>>>>> 404-760-8069
>>>>> kevin.barfield(a)redhat.com
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Sande Gilda"<sgilda(a)redhat.com>
>>>>> To: "Jason Greene"<jgreene(a)redhat.com>, "Stuart
>>>>> Douglas"<sdouglas(a)redhat.com>, "Strong
Liu"<stliu(a)redhat.com>, "Andy
>>>>> Taylor"<ataylor(a)redhat.com>, "David M.
>>>>> Lloyd"<david.lloyd(a)redhat.com>, "James
>>>>> "Carlo DeWolf"<cdewolf(a)redhat.com>, "Jaikiran
>>>>> "Bill Burke"<bburke(a)redhat.com>, "Allesio
>>>>> Soldano"<asoldano(a)redhat.com>, "Remy
>>>>> "Paul Ferraro"<pferraro(a)redhat.com>, "Jesper
>>>>> Pedersen"<jpederse(a)redhat.com>, "Andrig
>>>>> "Anil Saldhana"<asaldhan(a)redhat.com>, "Marek
>>>>> Novotny"<mnovotny(a)redhat.com>, "Pete
Muir"<pmuir(a)redhat.com>, "Jim
>>>>> Tyrrell"<jtyrrell(a)redhat.com>, "Robb
>>>>> Greathouse"<robb.greathouse(a)jboss.com>, "Kevin
>>>>> Barfield"<kbarfiel(a)redhat.com>
>>>>> Cc: "Misty Stanley-Jones"<misty(a)redhat.com>,
>>>>> Georges"<bgeorges(a)redhat.com>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:31:00 PM
>>>>> Subject: SME review for Migration from EAP5.1 to EAP6 beta
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> I am working on the Migration from EAP5.1 to EAP6 Migration Guide
>>>>> I believe you are the SMEs for my document.
>>>>> This is the goal of the document:
>>>>> The purpose of this guide is to document only those changes that are
>>>>> necessary to successfully run and deploy EAP5.1 applications on
>>>>> It will provide information on how to resolve deployment and runtime
>>>>> problems and to how prevent changes in application behaviour. This
>>>>> the first step in moving to the new platform. Once the application
>>>>> successfully deployed and running on the new platform, plans can be
>>>>> made to upgrade individual components to use the new functions and
>>>>> features of AS7.
>>>>> I have tried to pull material from actual migrations and from the
>>>>> email lists, but I'm sure there is a lot that I've missed.
Much of
>>>>> the material that's been collected can be found here:
>>>>> Information about known example application migrations, including
>>>>> step-by-step debugging guide, can be found here:
>>>>> Can you please look over the following content specification for the
>>>>> documentation? Please let me know what I am missing and if I am
>>>>> including anything that should not be there. Also, if you know of
>>>>> other people who might be able to provide information about
>>>>> requirements, please let me know so I can talk to them and add them
>>>>> to the SME list.
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Sande
>>>>> T - Migrate your application from EAP 5 to EAP 6
>>>>> T - Update your application's dependencies due to class loading
>>>>> (This section will reference core documentation on modules and
>>>>> classloading)
>>>>> T - Understand module dependencies
>>>>> T - Use Tattletale to find application dependencies
>>>>> T - Create or modify files that control class loading in EAP 6
>>>>> T - Resolve class loading exceptions and other errors
>>>>> T - Update your datasource configuration
>>>>> (This section will reference core documentation on datasource
>>>>> configuration)
>>>>> T - Define the datasource
>>>>> T - Install the JDBC Driver
>>>>> T - Configure your datasource for Hibernate and JPA
>>>>> T - Update your application JNDI namespace names
>>>>> (This section will reference core documentation on portable JNDI
>>>>> T- Review the JNDI Namespace Rules
>>>>> T - Modify your application code to follow the new JNDI namespace
>>>>> T - Modify logging dependencies
>>>>> (This section will reference core documentation on JBoss logging)
>>>>> T - Update your code for third-party logging frameworks
>>>>> T - Modify code to use the new JBoss Logging Framework
>>>>> T - Replace JPA/Hibernate Second Level Cache with Infinispan
>>>>> (This section will reference core documentation on Infinispane)
>>>>> T - Configure security for basic authentication
>>>>> (This section will reference core documentation on security)
>>>>> T - Configure JAX-RS / Resteasy changes
>>>>> (This section will reference core documentation on JAX-RS)
>>>>> T- Other changes needed for migration to EAP6
>>>>> T - Change Maven plugin name
>>>>> T - Change ResourceBundle properties location
>>>>> R- Migration of example applications
>>>>> R - Migrate Seam JPA example
>>>>> R - Migrate Seam Booking example
>>>>> R - Migrate Performance application example
>>>>> T - Migrate Seam Booking binaries - Step-by-Step debugging guide
>>>>> T - Migrate Seam 2 archives to JBoss AS 7
>>>>> - Update the datasource configuration
>>>>> - Add any required dependencies
>>>>> - Copy dependent archives from outside frameworks or other locations
>>>>> - Debug and resolve Seam 2 JNDI errors
>>>>> T - Migrate Spring archives to JBoss AS 7
>>>>> T - Update Hibernate applications
>>>>> T - Update JPA applications
>>>>> T - Update native JDBC applications
>>>>> T - Manage application dependencies
>>>>> What other tasks might be required when migrating your application
>>>>> from EAP5 to EAP6?
>>>>> What have I missed?