Just curious,
Are you talking about deployed application EJBs, WARs, etc? or the
actual subsystem modules themselves? For the former, why do the
subsystems need to know about OSGi as it pertains to application
deployments? Wouldn't OSGi class scoping metadata be handled at the
JBoss MOdules level? For the latter, why would subsystems need to
integrate with OSGi when we already have a kernel model and a class
scoping project (jboss modules)?
On 7/11/12 12:16 PM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
If there is no recommended alternative I would add optional
to integration modules to the osgi subsystem.
On 07/11/2012 05:22 PM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
> The poor man's approach could be to promote the org.osgi.core and and
> some org.osgi.service APIs to core modules similar to javax.*
> On 07/11/2012 05:14 PM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
>> Folks,
>> related to [web,ejb,cdi,etc]/osgi integration an issue came up whereby
>> those ee subsystems don't want to have a dependency on osgi because osgi
>> is not a core component of the server. Likewise, osgi should not have a
>> dependency on these ee subsystems because it may be configured to run
>> independently.
>> More general if foo and bar are both optional subsystems where do we put
>> the code that integrates foo and bar. foo-bar integration might require
>> to add a some DUPs. How are these registered?
>> cheers
>> -thomas
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat