On 3/7/11 8:41 AM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
On 03/07/2011 03:33 PM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
> Max, Emanuel and I discussed the usability aspects of the cli today. We
> agreed on the following:
> 1) drop the '/' prefix for the commands;
How does this relate to the discussion of low-level commands vs high level?
Other than that question, what you describe here sounds fine (including
the 'cd' alias, which I know would be what I'd naturally use).
> 2) instead of '~' signifying the root node use
> 3) instead of ',' as a node separator in the address (node path) use
> '/'. so the format of an operation will look like
> [node-type=node-name (/node-type=node-name)*] : operation-name
> ['('param=value (,param=value)*')']
> This (2 and 3) will make the path look more linux-like, so hopefully
> more friendly for an admin.
> 4) in the same spirit, the tab-completion for operations will start with
> './', e.g. './subsystem=web/connector=http:read-resource'
or '/' to start from the root (if the current address (prefix) is
something other than the root). e.g.
[subsystem=web/connector=http] /subsystem-threads:read-resource
> 5) for the command names, Max likes
> cn (change node) - current /prefix or /to.
> cwn (current working node) - again current /prefix or /to w/o arguments.
> I'd even go for cd to change the node. The reason I didn't add it
> originally was 'directory' doesn't belong here. But cd is kind of habit
> for this kind of thing, so I could add it as an alias.
> Any objections or suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Alexey
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