Update on the update :)
The concept of having sources in different dir than the module running
it may provoke some controversy.
Here's my brief explanation:
(05:54:13) stuartdouglas: Why is it good for running from the IDE?
(05:54:35) stuartdouglas: I would have though that having the source in
the wrong module would stop that from working althogether
(05:59:07) stuartdouglas: I really dislike having the sources in the
wrong module, it makes things considerably more complicated and
non-standard, and I don't really see the advantage of it
(06:00:22) OndrejZizka1: Which ide?
(06:00:34) OndrejZizka1: The idea is to run the integration module with
different profiles
(06:00:45) OndrejZizka1: That way it's transparent
(06:02:17) OndrejZizka1: In other words, running mvn install would still
run the smoke tests and results would be in surefire-reports,
(06:02:22) OndrejZizka1: + HTML report,
(06:02:33) OndrejZizka1: and mvn install -DallTests would run all,
(06:02:58) OndrejZizka1: and also going to testsuite/integration and
running mvn install -DallTests would work
(06:03:32) OndrejZizka1: The devs wouldn't touch submodules
Maven/IDE experts please correct me if my assumptions are wrong. I use
NetBeans which work fine with this concept.
But after all, the code can be separated, I am not strictly against nor
Ondřej Žižka píše v Pá 11. 11. 2011 v 05:50 +0100:
Hi everyone,
as was discussed on this list, the current testsuite harness had some
problems fulfilling even basic requirements for various use cases,
including but not limited to:
* Using from IDE through pure maven
* -DallTests vs. individial modules vs. distinctive groups vs. even
overlaying groups
* Configuring AS using kind of hierarchical templates
* Imposing certain test groups order
* Invoking only some steps of the testsuite
* Running same tests with different AS configuration
etc etc.
I've been working on an updated concept, which is currently at
https://github.com/OndraZizka/jboss-as/commits/TS-modules-tmp .
I would like you to review it, run it, and send me some comments.
cd testsuite/integration
mvn clean install -f pom2.xml -DallTests -fae
mvn clean install -f pom2.xml -Dts.iiop
(There are 2 pom.xml's so I can compare two harnesses easily.)
The scripts are not updated yet so they do not work.
CLI and OSGi tests fail. To be sorted out.
The big news are:
* Execution split to modules
* Code and resources remained in the same location
* Added few system properties which provide paths to important
directories - see
* Work directory is now in target/workdir
These cahnges exposed some issues in test code which need to be fixed
- hardcoded relative paths.
Since there were no system properties to use, there was no other way,
but from now on please use those properties, and fix your existing
(This would happen anyway because some tests clutter workdir (which
happens to be module's root dir) with various temp files.)
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