I've been making some changes to get AS7 to build on a build of OpenJDK
7. In the process of getting this to work I did get it successful builds
with OpenJDK 6 as well. I did have to disable one Hiibernate test that
uses JSR-223 as OpenJDK doesn't have a JavaScript engine. Other than
that I do see more random test failures with OpenJDK 7 than I do with
any of the JDK 6's.
There is one catch to building with OpenJDK 7, it only works with
OpenJDK or IcedTea and if you build the JDK from their respective
upstreams. There is a fix in there for an annotation processor bug that
effects the logging tooling. If anyone needs/wants information on
building those just let me know.
This is mainly to let everyone know as I've heard others have been
talking about it. I'll be submitting a pull request in the next few days.
James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat
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