There are two different containers for this;
Managed and Remote
Pr Arquillian standards the Managed containers should not connect to running instances
they find, because this can lead to harmful deployments on servers you did not intend to
deploy to.
This is where the Remote type of container comes, they won't start the container, but
expect it to be started already and only deploy to it.
----- Original Message -----
A recent change to arquillian configuration in AS7 shows me a error
"The server is already running! Managed containers does not support
connecting to running server instances due to the possible harmfull
effect of connecting to the wrong server. Please stop server before
running or change to another type of container."
Admittedly, I used to abuse the Arquillian "managed" container to run
specific individual tests in the integration testsuite, by starting
server myself and then running the tests. This doesn't seem to be
possible anymore. Is there a way I can switch back to the previous
behaviour (arquillian "remote" type) somehow in AS7? I don't want
Arquillian to start the server for me (for some specific reasons).
P.S: Adding Aslak to cc, since I'm not sure he's on AS7 dev list.