ACTION REQUIRED: 4 issues with no component
This email is the result of a query to locate stalled/invalid jiras. Please fix them. Thanks!
* No component for JBDS-3549
Summary: Developer - start and stop the CDK easily from within the IDE
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 1 day, 18:21:40.475489
* No component for JBDS-3552
Summary: Developer - be able to incrementally deploy changes to docker containers
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 1 day, 19:01:31.471336
* No component for JBDS-3550
Summary: Developer - autodetect the CDK in IDE
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 1 day, 19:01:37.475317
* No component for JBDS-3551
Summary: JavaEE Developer - be able to start/stop applications on docker with debug on/off
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 1 day, 19:01:35.475136
Query used:
9 years, 4 months
Fwd: [cross-project-issues-dev] DTP major version bump for Neon
by Max Rydahl Andersen
this major version bump is probably going to affect some our plugins and
most definitely the TP when we update to this.
thus a heads up.
Forwarded message:
> From: Konstantin Komissarchik <konstantin.komissarchik(a)>
> To: Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev(a)>
> Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] DTP major version bump for Neon
> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 12:37:59 -0700
> DTP will soon contribute v2 to Neon aggregation stream. The current
> version is 1.12.1. The reason for the major version bump is the move
> to requiring Java 8. All DTP plugins and features will get a major
> version bump.
> I recommend all consuming projects to prepare for this ahead of time
> by relaxing the version ranges.
> Thanks,
> - Konstantin
> _______________________________________________
> cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
> cross-project-issues-dev(a)
> To change your delivery options, retrieve your password, or
> unsubscribe from this list, visit
9 years, 4 months
JBDSIS 9.0.0.GA -> JBDSIS 9.0.0.Alpha2
by Paul Leacu
Hey -
In an ill-advised effort to create stable release URLs for the Integration Stack for use in
JBDS I created a GA/Final release for the SOA 5.x compatibility plugins (with the rest of the
stack as early access) without the appropriate oversight and authorization. This has now been
reverted -
JBT IS 4.3.0.Alpha2 and JBDS IS 9.0.0.Alpha2 are now available from within Central; .Final and .GA
are no longer available; all content in Central is now labelled Early Access.
I won't try that again...
9 years, 4 months
ACTION REQUIRED: 4 issues with no component
This email is the result of a query to locate stalled/invalid jiras. Please fix them. Thanks!
* No component for JBDS-3549
Summary: Developer - start and stop the CDK easily from within the IDE
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 18:21:53.878312
* No component for JBDS-3552
Summary: Developer - be able to incrementally deploy changes to docker containers
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 19:01:44.874168
* No component for JBDS-3550
Summary: Developer - autodetect the CDK in IDE
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 19:01:50.878140
* No component for JBDS-3551
Summary: JavaEE Developer - be able to start/stop applications on docker with debug on/off
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 19:01:48.877960
Query used:
9 years, 4 months
QE Handoff - JBDSIS 8.0.4.CR2, JBTIS 4.2.4.CR2
by Paul Leacu
The latest Eclipse-Luna capable, JBDS 8.1.0 compatible Integration Stack candidate release
tooling is available for QE testing. This release contains the following:
* Released .Final components
BPEL 1.3.100.Final
BPMN2 1.1.3.Final_1.1.0.Final_luna
DROOLS/JBPM6 6.3.0.Final
ESB 1.5.530.Final
> FUSE TOOLING 7.3.2.CR2 (w/ Fuse Transformation Tooling)
JBPM3 4.5.200.Final
MODESHAPE 3.7.0.Final
> TEIID DESIGNER 9.0.4.Final
* Early Access components
The latest SAP tooling (7.3.2.CR2) is also available through the Fuse import update wizard and a separate update site.
This release is for *internal consumption only* until after QE has sanctioned it.
JBDSIS 8.0.4.CR2, JBTIS 4.2.4.CR2
1. If installing from Eclipse Luna:
Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
- in the 'Search' tab enter 'jbds' in the 'Find' input widget
- select the 'Go' button
- install 'Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0.GA'
2. Start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds from step 1, then:
Help > Install New Software...
- use this for 'Location:' for the integration stack:
JBoss Central is supported for JBDSIS:
* Specify the integration stack discovery artifact:
./jbdevstudio -vmargs \
The standard Eclipse installer is available for JBTIS:
* Start eclipse-with-jboss-tools, then:
Help > Install New Software...
- use this for 'Location:' for the integration stack:
JBoss Central is supported for JBTIS:
* Install JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Final:
Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
- in the 'Search' tab enter 'jboss tools' in the 'Find' input widget
- select the 'Go' button
- install 'JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Final'
* Specify the integration stack discovery artifacts:
./eclipse -vmargs \ \
Offline zip files are supported for both production and community installs:
1. (MD5)
2. (MD5)
For component and QE test developers - the JBTIS target platforms are:
- Full and candidate release target platforms including early access dependencies:
Note that the integration stack update site is in a QE development area until after it's validated. If you have
trouble accessing the server add these lines to your /etc/hosts or C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
9 years, 4 months
Openshif build fails
by Denis Golovin
openshift build from master is failing after changing
openshift-restclient-java changed to 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT, should we kick
openshift-restclient-java project on jenkins with master branch?
9 years, 4 months
please keep order in jira versions
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Hey jira-admins that isn't me,
jira don't let me know who changed jira versions but jiralint got all
confused by whatever latest changes that are there - so I have to send
out this broader message.
a) if you create a new jira version - please place it in the right order
i.e.: 9.0.1.Beta is *before* 9.1.0.Final, not the other way around.
If this is not upheld version range comparison in jira and jiralint
falls apart.
b) have *one* version with a start date in both master and branch
version stream.
The start date are used to indicate if this is where work is going on.
If not set, jiralint thinks no work is happening and implodes on itself.
c) please don't have one version in JBIDE and no match in JBDS
This does not break anything, except it makes it freaking hard for
humans to
actually see what lines up.
I've fixed what I could find now so the order is right and for each
version in JBDS there is one in JBIDE and vice versa.
btw. no idea what 9.0.x is about vs 9.x ... do we really need 9.0.x too
9 years, 4 months