I am going to clean up the trunk today to put isDebugEnabled statements around all
log.debug calls.
This will improve efficiency when debugging logs are not enabled.
Please make sure to include log.isDebugEnabled() { log.debug... } around debug logs. If
you dont, any string concatenation contained within the debug will occur even if the log
is not set to debug.
For example within AbstractTokenBaseCommand, the following statement:
| log.debug("executing " + this);
This will result in 1) the to string being called on the object AbstractTokenBaseCommand
then 2) the method log.debug being called.
In other words, Java is going to resolve all parameters to method invocations before the
method is called. The log statement should instead be:
| if(log.isDebugEnabled())
| {
| log.debug("executing " + this);
| }
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