Thank you very much for your reply, Ramesh. It is very helpful. I am able to connect to
date exposed through a web server via "http:" in teiid designer, but fails to
connect to data exposed in iRODS web client server via http. There are two possible
issues: one is http url needs password authentication before getting to data; the other is
data replication exposed by iRODS server (i.e., each data is replicated multiple times in
different resources so the same data was exposed as multiple entities with the same data
file name). I worked around the first issue by logging in to URL first, then connect to
the url that will bypass the password authentication part, but it still fails, so the
second issue might be a problem also for teiid to connect to iRODS data via http. Any
suggestions on whether there is a way for teiid to handle this scenario will be much
I have a general architectural type of question to ask related to this question, but
I'll start another thread for the purpose of clarity.
Thanks again for your help - I really hope I can have positive results to report after my
investigation on teiid so that we can bring teiid in as a middle data layer to interface
with web applications in our project.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ramesh Reddy []
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:39 AM
To: Hong Yi
Cc: teiid-users(a)
Subject: Re: [teiid-users] Question on text connector connecting to files remotely located
on linux server directory
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 15:07 +0000, Hong Yi wrote:
From the connector dropdown list, I see I can use JDBC and ldap
connectors, but do not see connectors using ssh or http protocol.
Could you let me know whether there is a way to connect to source data
files remotely located in a linux server?
If you provide a *valid* URL that can reach your remote file it will
work. Teiid does not care about what protocol you are using.
- Is the file on a remote server can be reached by "file://" protocol?
- is it on shared drive and you have the path?
- To use "http:" is the file have to be exposed though a web server
any of above will work, you would need that valid URL to the file.
Thanks very much you for your interest in Teiid. Let us know how we can