Are you using Weld 1.0.1 - I fixed this there IIRC.
On 8 Apr 2010, at 02:45, Jordan Ganoff wrote:
I was testing out a simple idea for another JMS injection type and
ran into an issue with Instance.get() and additional select annotations. The
InjectionPoint of the producer lacked the additional selected annotations. I'm trying
to create a TopicProducer and need to dynamically inject a topic. When the topic producer
is invoked the InjectionPoint does not contain the JmsDestination (the annotations are
only @Inject and @Any, which seems like @Inject shouldn't be there either). Is there
a better way to do this?
Here's the code:
@Inject @Any Instance<Topic> anyTopic;
@Produces @JmsDestination
public TopicPublisher createTopicProducer(InjectionPoint ip, Session s) throws
Topic t =;
return TopicPublisher.class.cast(s.createProducer(t));
public Topic getTopic(InjectionPoint ip, @Module Context c) throws NamingException
JmsDestination d = ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(JmsDestination.class);
return (Topic) c.lookup(d.jndiName());
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Actual code links:
Jordan Ganoff
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