I think MetaDataCache is probably a different case, but I agree on ManagerImpl.
I think we got our wires slightly crossed earlier - when I said that
Manager could be made a static thing, I was meaning for *integration*
purposes only! i.e. the Manager used for EL resolution and injection
into Servlets would be a static thing.
There are definitely multiple managers per application, now that we
have child managers.
And I agree that the internal usage of the static reference makes shit
more difficult to test.
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Matt Drees <matt.drees(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I'll speak up about one concern I have. If MetaDataCache and
are stored in static references, I imagine it will be difficult to perform
simultaneous/multi-threaded integration testing for webbeans apps. For
example, with Seam, you can't have two SeamTests running at the same time in
the same JVM, because Lifecycle.java has a static reference to the
application map, and the two tests would interfere with each other. I'd be
sad if the same thing occurs for the webbeans ri.
Now, maybe you could could use some ThreadLocal magic or something to avoid
having to pass the ManagerImpl/metadatacache around everywhere in method
calls. But my preference would be that the webbeans RI doesn't use static
singletons at all.
What do you guys think?
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Gavin King <gavin(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
> Is there any reason why we can't just make the MetaDataCache object a
> static singleton?
> --
> Gavin King
> gavin.king(a)gmail.com
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