Hi Christian,
this sounds like a bug. All the resolution caches should be cleared at
the very end of Weld's bootstrap sequence (after ABD observers are
called). (see
On 03/04/2014 04:36 PM, Christian Sadilek wrote:
Hi everyone,
CDI extensions can observe the AfterBeanDiscovery event to register observer methods
(addObserverMethod). However, when an event is first fired, the observers for that event
are resolved and then cached (in TypeSafeResolver). All future calls to addObserverMethod
for an already fired event with corresponding qualifiers will have no effect because the
observer result is read from cache and not recomputed.
>From an API perspective that's unfortunate because addObserverMethod will only
work until an event (with corresponding qualifiers) is fired and there is no indication to
the caller of that method that it didn't have any effect when invoked after that.
Possible solutions:
- Provide some public API to clear/recompute that part the observer cache. Maybe that
exists? I couldn't find it which is why I am using the private API and Reflection :(.
Also let AfterBeanDiscovery.addObserverMethod fail in that case with the advice to reset
the cache.
- Recompute the corresponding part of the cache when addObserverMethod is called (seems
OpenWebBeans doesn't have this issue as their NotificationManager will simply add the
new ObserverMethod to a ConcurrentHashMap that is also accessed when an event is fired.
What do you think? Can this already be done or is there another solution?
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