OK, gotcha. It's cos the XML needs to be parsed a bit differently, and
the resulting information passed back to Bean.
Hrrrrm. Scott, I agree that this makes sense, but I'm looking at the
size of my TODO list and thinking that this could wait until the next
rev of web beans...
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 5:23 AM, Scott Ferguson <ferg(a)caucho.com> wrote:
This fragment defines a Bean (with the registered type DataSource).
create the Bean and process the XML, though, some code needs to understand
javax.annotation.Resource. The code that understands <ann:Resource> and
which generates the DataSource Bean can (and should) be encapsulated and
modularized. Nothing in the current spec has that capability, i.e. it's not
captured by the Bean concept.
To see this, note that <ann:Resource> is currently forbidden by the spec,
because it's not annotated by something like @BindingType. In other words,
the example is doing something unique beyond the capabilities of the rest of
the spec.
Or, in a different way, the spec definines the behavior of ann:Resource, and
ejb:EJB, not sqlx:DataSource. If the spec defined sqlx:DataSource
directly, it would be a Bean, but because you're defining ann:Resource to
choose a Bean type for sqlx:DataSource, it's something different.
Or, another way, <sqlx:DataSource> is not a simple bean, and the
<ann:Resource> specifies what kind of Bean it is.
-- Scott
> I don't understand what we need it for.
> I feel like Bean already provides sufficient pluggability...
>> Second, the JavaEE annotation types should be defined in their own
>> namespace
>> for modularity and consistency, not the WebBeans namespace.
>> <xsql:DataSource xmlns:xsql="urn:java:javax.sql">
>> <ann:Resource xmlns:ann="urn:java:javax.annotation">
>> ...
>> </ann:...>
>> <my:Foo xmlns:my="urn:java:com.foo.my">
>> <ejb:EJB xmlns:ejb="urn:java:javax.ejb">
>> <jms:Queue xmlns:jms="urn:java:javax.jms">
>> ...
> I'm OK with that if others are.
> --
> Gavin King
> gavin.king(a)gmail.com
webbeans-dev mailing list
Gavin King