[webbeans-dev] M1- Release Content
by Gurkan Erdogdu
We are planning to release the M1 version of the OpenWebBeans . So far we have finished the some parts of the specification and the nearly all of the build and release management tasks.
M1 release will support the following items;
* Simple WebBeans Support
* Producer Method Support
* Event and Observer Support
* Decorator and Interceptor Support
* Experimental XML Configuration Support
* Lookup and Dependency Injection Support
* Java EE Plugin Support (via ServetContextListener interface)
Remaining parts of the specification that we did not handle in this release are the following items;
* Enterprise WebBeans Support
* JMS WebBeans Support
* Producer Field Support
* Servlet Injection Support
* Inheritance and Realization Support
* Common Annotations Support
* Full Support for Validation Checks
* Passivation Scope and Serialization Operations
* Full Support for XML Configuration
* Java EE Container Integration Support (SPI)
? What do you think about the content of the M1 release ?
? Has it enough functionalities to create the release or we may delay it to another date for adding more functionality ?
? What is your further comments and advices?
16 years
[webbeans-dev] Terminology
by Gavin King
Oracle have proposed that we remove the term "Web Bean" from the
specification. I'm therefore searching for alternative terminology.
Please let me know your opinions and suggestions.
Here's one possibility:
Web Bean -> injectable type
simple Web Bean -> injectable Java class
enterprise Web Bean -> injectable EJB
Web Bean -> contextual type
simple Web Bean -> contextual Java class
enterprise Web Bean -> contextual EJB
Note that "contextual type" already means something in the current
spec, but that thing should be easy enough to rename.
Gavin King
16 years
[webbeans-dev] maybe delay httpSession creation until needed?
by Matt Drees
Hey guys,
I noticed that webbeans is currently creating the HttpSession immediately at
the beginning of the request:
public static void beginRequest(HttpServletRequest request)
Do you think it'd be worthwhile delaying session creation until it's
actually needed (i.e. when a session-scoped bean is first created)? Some
people may wish to avoid creating a session until a user logs in, for
I don't know how many people actually do this.
For what it's worth, Seam tries to create sessions lazily, so it'd probably
be good to follow suit.
16 years
[webbeans-dev] Re: Removal of pluggability contracts
by Gavin King
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Gavin King <gavin(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
> SFSBs with no web bean remove method
> ================================
> We have an open issue w.r.t destruction of SFSBs which have no web
> bean remove method. Now that the requirement for pluggability is gone,
> I think we should simply say that in this case, the container must
> destroy the SFSB when its context ends *without* calling any remove
> method.
> I will go ahead and make that change unless there is someone who
> objects to this.
Alternatively, we could actually go further than this and simply
eliminate the concept of the "Web Bean remove method" and the
@Destructor annotation. @Remove methods are really intended to be
called by clients, not by the container - and if you just want a
callback, we already have @PreDestroy. I'm not sure that @Destructor
is really adding any additional value.
The more I think about this, the more I think this is the right way to
go (and it simplifies the spec).
Gavin King
16 years
[webbeans-dev] Include Web Beans RI in next JBoss 5 release
by Pete Muir
I would like to discuss including the Web Beans RI in the next release
of JBoss 5.
As Web Beans is quite young, I think we should include it as a
"Technology Preview". The included version should be at least
1.0.0.ALPHA2, out in the next couple of weeks.
We have a deployer for Web Beans, which looks like:
$ ls -lR webbeans.deployer
total 1008
drwxr-xr-x 4 pmuir admin 136 8 Jan 12:49 META-INF
-rw-r--r-- 1 pmuir admin 484056 8 Jan 12:49 google-collections.jar
drwxr-xr-x 6 pmuir admin 204 8 Jan 12:49 lib-int
-rw-r--r-- 1 pmuir admin 26744 8 Jan 12:49 webbeans-ri-int-
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 pmuir admin 286 8 Jan 12:49 jboss-structure.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 pmuir admin 1686 8 Jan 12:49 webbeans-deployers-jboss-
total 560
-rw-r--r-- 1 pmuir admin 37664 8 Jan 12:49 webbeans-api.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 pmuir admin 29714 8 Jan 12:49 webbeans-ri-int-
-rw-r--r-- 1 pmuir admin 6713 8 Jan 12:49 webbeans-ri-spi.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 pmuir admin 201152 8 Jan 12:49 webbeans-ri.jar
All jars in lib-int are inserted into the application's classpath by a
The only task I can see to include Web Beans is to add the deployer to
the JBoss AS build - I can do this (with Ales' help ;-).
Anything I'm missing?
16 years
[webbeans-dev] Automatically adding WebBeans configuration on JBoss 5
by Pete Muir
The idea here is that a Web Beans RI app requires certain
configuration applied by default (see below), and we should try to
provide this configuration by default when in JBoss 5. The user can
still override this configuration using the relevant XML. We've talked
about this before, but never done anything with it :-)
Here are the rules
1) ejb-jar.xml
If web-beans.xml is present in the ejb module's META-INF,
automatically add the Web Beans RI SessionBeanInterceptor (see
attached ejb-jar.xml for how we currently configure it). The user
can't disable this interceptor.
2) jboss-app.xml
If web-beans.xml is present in the ejb-module's META-INF,
automatically enable classloader isolation. Any settings in jboss-
app.xml override. Is it possible to explicitly disable classloader
isolation? Is this change from the jboss default too confusing?
Another option is to disable if a jboss-app.xml is present.
3) jboss-web.xml
If web-beans.xml is present in the war's WEB-INF or META-INF,
automatically enable classloader isolation. Any settings in jboss-
web.xml override. Is it possible to explicitly disable classloader
isolation? Is this change from the jboss default too confusing?
Another option is to disable if a jboss-app.xml is present.
4) web.xml
If web-beans.xml is present in the war's WEB-INF or META-INF or
the ejb module's META-INF automatically add the WebBeansListener
servlet listener
And one for the JSF2 deployer
5) if faces-config.xml is present, automatically add the FacesServlet,
it's mapping to the .jsf extension.
16 years