Can't you just use the appropriate arquillian version for 7.1.1?
Ales Justin wrote:
> Now the next question is how to get this into AS7?
> As it's sort of a chicken-n-egg problem. :-)
> We need to upgrade Weld API in AS7 + switch its impl,
> but to release the impl we need to test this against latest AS7.
For the AS7-dev ml ...
We have Weld-OSGi impl, which needs API change,
plus small impl change on top of this API in AS7 integration code.
But in order to confirm everything works, we need to test this against upgraded AS7.
I did this manually, and it seems to work -- all tests pass.
But of course, when releasing, there should be no SNAPSHOT.
I could trick Weld Core into using AS7.1.1 jars, where the AS7 running would be this
modified instance,
as we only need it for Arquillian API, *but* unfortunately 7.1.1 is not
"Arquillian" compatible with latest AS7 upstream.
Any suggestion on how to actually pull off this Weld 1.2 (with OSGi) release?
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