On May 09, 2008, at 17:50 , Pete Muir wrote:
If we use the MC we get ootb:
* flexible deployment system
This, for me, is one of the deciding factors. The current Seam 2.x
deployment system is crude and has to be rewritten anyway in the next
major release to support
a) Seam usage/deployment outside of a web container (Swing apps, etc.)
b) Customized deployment for highly dynamic applications (I'm
currently struggling with a hot-redeployable plugin.jar system on top
of Seam).
Although we made some of the Seam 2 deployment architecture more
extensible in 2.1 with DeploymentStrategy, any user who wants a) or b)
still has to roll their own deployment system starting with the
Initialization class (and lots of hacking).
So, even if we only use that single feature of JBoss MC, we'd already
avoid duplication and the "what if JBoss AS uses a different version"
problem because the only alternative would be to invent our own
deployment system from scratch anyway.