> I still haven't seen a design that can actually work in AS.
> It all boils down the the MicroContainer integration. You can't
> resolve an EJB at any point in time, you can only resolve it using
> EjbServices interface after the EJBs are actually started. So first
> you must resolve your metadata to come up with a dependency item for
> the WB. This *must* be addressed.
Yes, I agree - I have this JIRA issue for it -
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/WBINT-3 - this is also a general
issue for any container that wishes to integrate WB I think.
I'll talk to Ales tomorrow and see how he thinks we should best expose
this info from WB (which is not MC based).
I guess we need to add proper dependencies on the WB bootstrap bean,
making sure EJBs are started before bootstrap is installed.
Carlo or ALR, how do I get the EJB's names from DeploymentUnit?
JBossMetaData or something even smaller?
Afaik WB can ref EJBs from other deployments.
How does this issue work for those EJBs?
Since we probably only know which EJB is refed by examining WB bean?
e.g. examine each WB bean --> add external EJB-start dependency?
Apart from EJBs, any other WB components that would need this too?