Looks great, I found it very easy to read and it flowed very well from
concept to concept. I only found very minor issues, mainly typos and
grammatical stuff:
Section 1.1
Spelling: "havn't" is misspelled in the sentence that starts:
"Sure, the JavaBeans and EJBs you've been writing every day havn't
been able to take advantage..."
Section 1.2.5
Grammar: "It remains possible to directly specifying the interceptor
class..." should probably read:
"It remains possible to directly specify the interceptor
Section 1.4
Clarification: Based on section 1.2.4, should Credentials and Login
have a @Named annotation, as they're both referred to in EL?
Section 2.1.1
Suggestion: In this section (Binding annotations with members) it may
be beneficial to have an example of a producer method that includes
annotation members.
Clarification: Should @NonBinding be mentioned here too?
Section 2.1.2
Grammar: in the sentence "In this case, only a Web Bean which supports
both binding annotation...",
"annotation" should be plural "annotations".
Section 3.2
Clarification: For web service invocations, won't there also be an
active session scope?
Spec: In the second last paragraph that starts "If the application
tries to invoke...", "ContextNotActive"
was recently updated in the spec to "ContextNotActiveException".
Section 3.4
Grammar: In the second last paragraph, the sentence that starts:
"Dependent Web Bean instances are destroyed when the the instance..."
should read
"Dependent Web Bean instances are destroyed when the instance..."
Section 4.1
Typo: In the first sentence that starts "The scope of the producer
method defaults...":
1) there should be a space between "to@Dependent"
2) There is an extraneous close bracket at the end of the sentence.
Grammar: In the last sentence, that starts:
"Now, when the producer method is called, the returned PaymentStrategy
bound..." should read
"Now, when the producer method is called, the returned PaymentStrategy
is bound..."
Section 4.2
Grammar: In the second paragraph, the sentence that starts:
"If this isn't what we wan't..." should read
"If this isn't what we want"
Section 5.6
Grammar: In the second paragraph, the sentence that starts:
"We may annotated one interceptor binding type..." should read
"We may annotate one interceptor binding type"
Section 8
Grammar: In the fourth paragraph that starts "The annotations are
reusable", the sentence:
"The help describe common.." should read
"They help describe common..."
The sentence that starts:
"The help us categorize..." should read
"They help us categorize..."
Section 10
Grammar: In the last paragraph, the sentence that starts:
"Or, an integrated development environment could perform the same
validation without the need to for..." should read
"Or, an integrated development environment could perform the same
validation without the need for..."
Section 10.1
Clarification: In the first paragraph, in the namespace example
"urn:java:java:com.mydomain.myapp" are the two "java" prefixes
Section 10.2
Grammar: In the first sentence that starts:
"We can declare the scope, deployment type and interceptor binding
types using direct child elements if the..." should read
"We can declare the scope, deployment type and interceptor binding
types using direct child elements in the..."
Section 11.4
Typo: In the JMS Topic code example, "priceSender" should be
Gavin King wrote:
Here's the article i've been writing about web beans for
It's almost finished, but I would appreciate a proofread/suggestions.
This has been done in docbook, so I'm thinking it can evolve into the
documentation for the RI (with addition of some new RI-specific
I've also attached the latest spec, which has some various fixes.
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