On 20 Nov 2008, at 21:52, Ales Justin wrote:
> Thanks Ales, I moved this to the webbeans-int project for jboss5
> ) - I didn't move the tests, I need help with that... I refactored
> slightly to make your WebBeanDiscoveryImpl a
> WebBeanDiscoveryEnvironment to simply be a store for the classes
> the deployer finds, and then implemented WebBeanDiscovery to just
> query the store.
You ported the deployers to the wrong place. ;-)
Actually I was planning to merge the two projects into one as I don't
think we need both for WB (as WB runs as part of the container, not as
an in-application library). Do you agree?
It doesn't fit contextually.
Deployers --> microcontainer part
Glue code --> jbossas part
I've moved the deployers + metadata to microcontainer part.
Plus added proper dependencies: jbossas --> microcontainer,
as they need to exchange attachments.
> I also added an ant script to the root of the webbeans-ri project
> () which installs the deployer into JBoss5 trunk for you. I only
> tested JBoss5 trunk, not CR2.
I fixed this as well.
Note: webbeans.deployer includes all deployers lib dependencies!
You should only copy wb-ri-microcontainer and wb-ri-jbossas.
I fixed this and forgot to commit it... I've done the same for the mc
jar. Hudson will build and deploy soon :-)
Eventually wb-int-jbossas should not be part of deployers classpath,
as that's the job of WBIntegrationDeployer, to provide the right wb-
int-jbossas version.
But I guess it will do for now. ;-)
We should try to get this bundled in JBoss 5.0.1 I think. Agreed?