I moved this discussion here:
Pete Muir wrote:
On 21 Dec 2008, at 19:38, Stan Silvert wrote:
> Pete Muir wrote:
>>> And one for the JSF2 deployer
>>> 5) if faces-config.xml is present, automatically add the
>>> FacesServlet, it's mapping to the .jsf extension.
> Several questions/comments about this one.
> At a minimum, the servlet-name should be defined in addition to the
> extension. The reasons become clear below.
> It is allowed to have more than one declaration of the FacesServlet.
> That is because you might want to have two instances with two
> different configurations and two different mappings. Do we say that if
> ANY FacesServlet is defined then we don't define another one for
> WebBeans? Or, do we define an additional one for WebBeans as long as
> it doesn't use the same default mapping?
> If the FacesServlet is defined in /WEB-INF/web.xml with the same
> servlet-name as the WebBeans default, then the entire auto-added
> FacesServlet should not be added.
including the mapping.
This is more a default for JBoss AS, not just for WB I think... I think
this is a good idea, especially if we choose a sensible name, like
"Faces Servlet".
> For the auto-added FacesServlet, should we also define defaults for
> dispaly-name, description, icon, init-param, load-on-startup, run-as,
> or security-role-ref?
display-name (used for GUI tooling) - default
icon (used for GUI tooling) - default
description (descriptive text about parent element) - maybe useful
load-on-startup - we always set this to 1 in Seam.
run-as - default
security-role-ref - default
if people want to override, then they can do.
> The JSF 1.2 spec 10.1.2 recommends extension mapping to be *.faces.
> FWIW, I prefer *.jsf, but perhaps we should stick with the spec's
> recommendation as the default?
> Since we key off the presence of a faces-config.xml file, is this any
> faces-config.xml, or only one found in /WEB-INF?
> I think that if practical, FacesServlet should be added any time a
> faces-config.xml is present in any of the locations specified in JSF
> 1.2 spec section 10.4.2 Application Startup Behavior. What's more, a
> faces-config file can be specified using a javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES
> context param in web.xml. Since I assume we plan to support web.xml
> fragments, a la Servlet 3.0, we also need to look into every web.xml
> fragment in every jar to see if it defines javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES.
I was thinking just a faces-config.xml in the war is enough. Otherwise,
won't get get confusion between app server libs. We need something *in
the user deployment* to key off. Remember, these are only defaults to
get people started.
> It's possible to have a JSF app with no faces-config.xml file. Is a
> faces-config.xml required for WebBeans?
> Are there any considerations for portlets? Portlets don't use the
> FacesServlet at all but perhaps JSR-301 portlets will need some
> auto-config as well?
Up to portal team I think.
> Does the WebBeans spec say anything about portlets?
N.B. This isn't spec driven, this is value-add for the RI/JBoss.
Ales Justin
JBoss, a division of Red Hat