From: Gavin King []
I really need to emphasize the assumptions that I'm working from here,
that underpin my view on this stuff, and that perhaps not everyone
agrees with.
Yes, I think these assumptions have come up in different discussions, but
it is a good idea to list them here in one place.
(0) application developers will almost always use annotations to
define their own web beans
I agree with this (except for the terminology, etc. that makes it seem
like they are writing web beans. I hope and expect them to be writing
components and then adding web bean config onto their components.)
(1) the #1 usecase for the XML is for a developer to configure web
beans created by someone else - usually some kind or reusable library
Ah, so that is why you kept coming up with that use case. I actually still
see a number of people that use XML for configuration, so I don't think
that the library use case is the one that will dominate XML usage. I agree
that it is certainly the case that *requires* someone to use XML, though.
(2) the overwhelming majority of Java developers (85%+?) use an IDE
Yes, I think 15-20% is actually pretty close to the number of [older ;-]
developers that still use their favourite text editors. That is still a
sizable number of developers, IMO, and I don't want to assume that an IDE
is present when as much as 1/5 of the people don't have one.
(3) web beans competes with proprietary solutions such as Spring and
Seam, and must offer competitive functionality
Well, a standard typically offers a subset of the functionality of vendor
products, and adds more as it becomes easier (and prudent) to standardize them.
In terms of the XML, though, I am not sure if style of XML is in the
"competitive functionality" category.
Beginning from these assumptions I find it difficult to avoid the
conclusion that we should be offering the schema-driven, IDE-friendly
style of XML configuration that Spring and Seam offer.
On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Gavin King
<gavin(a)> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Michael Keith
> <MICHAEL.KEITH(a)> wrote:
>>> What I think we should focus on here is whether the difference in
>>> styles is going to be confusing to users, and whether the
web beans
>>> style of descriptor is more difficult to understand and use.
>> My personal opinion is that it is more difficult to
understand for beginners,
>> and that there is a steeper learning curve. Once you
understand the rules
>> then it has more value than the existing Java EE style
because not only is
>> it more terse and descriptive but it is easier to map to Java code.
> Yes, I would more or less go along with that, except for
one important quibble:
> * yes, it is probably a bit more difficult for beginners to
> how to configure their own web beans, since it requires a couple of
> new concepts
> * but it is *not* more difficult for beginners to understand how to
> configure a third-party library containing web beans - in fact it is
> much easier since they don't need to go off and look at the
Java code
> So from the point of view of beginner, it depends upon what
they have
> as the primary usecase for the XML configuration: is it
> of their own web beans, or configuration of somebody else's?
> I would say that beginners (and most other web bean developers) are
> going to be using annotations to config their own classes,
and XML to
> configure pre-packaged libraries created by someone else.
> However, I'm aware that there are some developers who still
prefer to
> use XML for everything. I'm not sure exactly how many of them there
> are, nor to what extent we should to cater to their needs, nor which
> of the XML formats they prefer.
>>> There's not
>>> really anything much in the way of portable
knowledge/skills between
>>> writing web.xml and orm.xml and faces-config.xml.
>> In fact, there *are* commonalities between these 3, with
simple assumptions
>> that do not hold true in web beans. For example, the
ability to look at a
>> schema to know the complete set of elements that may
possibly be specified
>> in a given XML file.
> Well, I disagree with you there, Mike. The idea is that we have a
> Processor running, generating a schema when the Java code
is compiled.
> So both styles of XML are schema-driven. In fact the web beans style
> is much *more* schema driven, and the schema captures much
more about
> what the developer can and cannot write in their XML document. When
> authoring the XML, the developer will get a *lot* more
assistance from
> their tool when using the web beans style.
> The difference is that in the case of web.xml or orm.xml, there is
> exactly one document that contains the whole schema, and
the developer
> does not need to use XML namespaces. Whereas in web beans,
the schema
> is partitioned between multiple files, and there is a
requirement that
> the XML author understand namespaces.
> I can well believe that there are developers who have never used
> namespaces before, but the experience we have from Seam
(and also from
> Spring, I suppose) is that in practice people don't find
this to be a
> barrier.
>> I would say that writing web beans XML, which is more
>> like code, requires a rather different mindset than what
is applied when
>> writing traditional Java EE descriptors.
> Again, I disagree. For a developer configuring a
pre-packaged library,
> the "traditional" XML style requires a lot more knowledge
of the code
> (Java class, method names, etc) than the "web beans" style
does. With
> the web beans style, the configuration author doesn't see anything
> about Java - everything they need to know is completely encapsulated
> in the schema for the library.
>>> What I want to know is whether there are specific reasons why the
>>> current proposal is going to cause serious confusion or
ease of use
>>> issues.
>> Learning a whole new way of writing XML is an ease of use issue.
> I don't know what you mean. How is it a "whole new way of
writing XML"?
> Because it uses namespaces?
> Say I'm using a library written by someone else, that can be
> configured using a web beans XML schema. How is this schema any
> different from any other XML schema that is used by developers today
> to configure stuff? Remember, the XML author is not required to know
> anything at all about the underlying Java classes and methods to
> author this configuration document. They get a schema, and
they write
> XML using the elements defined by that schema. They don't know that
> the element names are actually Java class and method names.
>> If you don't know the rules then this new style of XML is
definitely confusing.
> How? Again, you don't need to know the rules to author the document.
> If you're a *user* of the XML schema, a document author, you don't
> need to know anything at all about how the Java classes
relate to the
> XML schema. If you're the provider of the XML schema, you also don't
> need to know much about the rules, since the schema will be
> for you.
> The only people who really need to know the rules in great
detail are
> the folks implementing Web Beans and implementing the schema
> generation tool :-)
> That's the real beauty of this mechanism!
>> Is it a better way going forward? Probably, but if web
beans is being advertised
>> as a layer of services over existing Java EE technologies
then one would assume
>> that it will be specified in a way that is natural and
easily understood by the users
>> of those technologies. That "naturalness" is worth more
than what is gained by a
>> slightly improved XML style that is limited to one specific area.
> I don't believe that the additional typesafety and tool-ability
> (authoring support) amounts to only a slight improvement, though of
> course this view is influenced by the fact that I, like most Java
> developers, always use an IDE for everything. Developers
who don't use
> an IDE won't see the same level of improvement.
> In fact, for developers who don't use tools, there is no great
> advantage to the web beans style of XML. This stuff was designed for
> IDE users.
>> Of course, consistency can be achieved from either
direction, and the alternative to
>> web beans adopting the style of those technologies is for
the technologies to adopt
>> the web beans style of XML. As I mentioned, for that
direction to change there must
>> be a platform-level directive.
> I will ask Roberto and Bill about this, but in the past I have not
> heard from them that there was a platform-level requirement for
> consistency here. Certainly they've both read the spec and have not
> yet raised this as an issue with me. So, again, I would
like to focus
> on the question of ease-of-use and reuse.
> --
> Gavin King
> gavin.king(a)
Gavin King