Done a comparaison between beanTypes resolved when running a junit test
using weld 2.1.0.Final + DeltaSpike + camel vs Weld 2.1.0.Final + Camel
+ PaxCDI on Karaf and it appears that my class CamelContextBean is not
listed. This is why I get a NPE. So I supect again a classloading issue
when WeldContainer loads the classes of a bundle including also classes
to be imported from another bundle .... <>
On 08/11/13 19:15, Charles Moulliard wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Issue with weld 2.1.0.Final on OSGI
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:11:59 +0100
From: Charles Moulliard <cmoulliard(a)>
To: weld-dev(a), Antoine Sabot-Durand
<asabotdu(a)>, Jason Porter <jporter(a)>, Peter Muir
The following code which is working fine and returns a bean when we run
Junit Test with DeltaSpike does not work when Weld 2.1.0.Final is
deployed on Karaf (OSGI v4.3) with Pax-CDI. Apparently the bean is not
retrieved when we call "beanManager.getBeans("
protected CamelContext getCamelContext(String context, BeanManager
beanManager) {
if (camelContextMap == null) {
Set<Bean<?>> beans =
beanManager.getBeans(CamelContextMap.class, new AnyLiteral()); // return
Bean<?> bean = beanManager.resolve(beans); // return null
CreationalContext<?> creationalContext =
camelContextMap = (CamelContextMap)
beanManager.getReference(bean, bean.getBeanClass(), creationalContext);
ObjectHelper.notNull(camelContextMap, "Could not resolve
return camelContextMap.getCamelContext(context);
Question : How does WeldContainer loads the class when we use getBeans
as I suspect that we have a problem with the classloader used ?