"4.1. Inheritance of type-level metadata
Suppose a class X is extended directly or indirectly by the bean class
of a simple or session bean Y.
• If X is annotated with a deployment type Z then Y inherits the
annotation if and only if Z declares the @Inherited
meta-annotation and neither Y nor any intermediate class that is a
subclass of X and a superclass of Y declares a de-
ployment type. "
Here we are testing that Y doesn't inherit X's deployment type - X
(Dog) indirectly extended by Y (GoldenRetriever) where some
intermediate class (a subclass of X and a superclass of Y) declares a
deployment type.
Again, JIRA is a better place to discuss specific TCK test issues as
then a proper record exists for posterity. Please open JIRA issues in
the future.
On 13 Mar 2009, at 21:53, Gurkan Erdogdu wrote:
class GoldenRetriever extends Retriever
class Retriever extends Dog
class Dog
In this test case, GoldenRetriever does not inherit the Dog's
deployment type in the TCK. But, I think that if bean does not
define DeploymentType then it inherits deployment type from their
super classes, directly or indirectly. Therefore, I think it
inherits the Dog's deployment type.
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Pete Muir